Sunday, August 21, 2011

Oh when the saints...

Our Daily Bread
Oh, I want to be in that number... when the saints go marching in!  According to the devotional and scripture today, we are in that number if we are a child of God!  We are saints!  No, not in the Mother Theresa kind of way.  We are saints in that we have a relationship with Christ.  Woohooooo!

I know lots of folks that struggle with these passages.  They don't feel worthy.  They don't want the responsibility of being a saint!  It comes with the territory.  We are to put aside the activities and sins of this world as best as we can so we can focus on the things of God.  I am not saying that we are supposed to walk around with our heads in the clouds.  No way.  I am saying that we follow the last section of the devotional that talks about putting aside sexual immorality and improper speech.  We should concern ourselves with service to one another (Rom. 16:2), humility, gentleness, patience, love, unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:1-3), obedience, and perseverance during hardship and suffering.

Lord, I want to focus on the things that please you!

Psalm Sunday
I am looking at Psalm 20 this week.  This one is a blessing and a confirmation.  The blessing is upon folks that God may be active in their lives when they pray.  The confirmation is that God really does the things he promises!  That is so amazing!

Psalm 20

    For the director of music. A psalm of David.
 1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
   may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
   and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
   and accept your burnt offerings.
4 May he give you the desire of your heart
   and make all your plans succeed.
5 May we shout for joy over your victory
   and lift up our banners in the name of our God.

   May the LORD grant all your requests.

 6 Now this I know:
   The LORD gives victory to his anointed.
He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary
   with the victorious power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
   but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
   but we rise up and stand firm.
9 LORD, give victory to the king!
   Answer us when we call!

Other Stuff
I need to rest today!  I had a very busy birthday!  The guys seemed to enjoy the breakfast casserole I made for our meeting.  We had a great breakfast.  My devotional went well.  They were surprised by my singing!  I met my walking buddy for lunch after the meeting.  We had a nice lunch and a fun trip to Costco.  I don't think she knows what to think of me sometimes!

The big event for the day was getting my first tattoo.  It wasn't too bad.  I was so tired by 4:15 or so that I wanted a nap!  It wasn't too painful.  It was more like annoying pinches after a while.  The tattoo turned out the way I wanted.  It will take a few weeks for it to heal.  I already have a preliminary design for the next one on my other arm!

I came home and made a new baked chicken recipe for supper.  Did some stuff around the house.  Talked to my best friend on the phone.  Went to sleep!  I didn't sleep that great.  Not sure why.  I woke up oddly a few times.  Not sure what that was about.  I will take a nap this afternoon!

Hang in there, my friends!  I will be upbeat and steady.  That is what I do...

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