Our Daily Bread
I am a type A personality that keeps going and going like the Energizer bunny! I hear this phrase a LOT about "you need to stop and smell the roses". The devotional this morning gives us good reason to take pause in our busy lives.
God made an amazing world for us to live in. We have so many wonders to behold that the human mind cannot comprehend them all! Regardless of where you live or what you do, take a few minutes today to look around at the wonders of God. Take a look at the small things. Take a look at the big things. Praise God for everything!
Thank you Lord for making us such an amazing place to live. Let us praise you or the rocks will cry out!
Movie Monday
I got to see two movies last week: The Help and Final Destination 5 3D.
The Help
I have to say that I have never laughed so hard AND cried so hard in the same movie in my life! This movie, based on the popular book, was so moving. People who didn't really have very much risked all they had to help make the world a better place. I admire the bravery of each character to tell the story and write the story. I think we all need to remember where we came from and how much farther we need to go!
I give this movie four bear paws. See it soon! I want to buy the DVD when it comes out so I can catch all the dialog I missed at the theater!
Final Destination 5 3D
This movie was my guilty pleasure over the weekend. I saw the first two movies in this series, then skipped 3 and 4. I heard they were lame! FD5 in 3D was pretty cool. I think it took the best parts of the other movies and put them together in this one. The suspense of waiting for the next person in the series to die and seeing exactly how it happens. Death does not like to be cheated! There are lots of surprises! The 3D effects were very cool.
I give this movie two bear paws. See it in 3D at the theater!
Other Stuff
I went to the gym yesterday after church. I walked as hard as I could for an hour, then hit the showers. I took a quick nap before making my grilled green beans for my dinner group. They turned out great. I will post the recipe on Friday.
Not sure what this week will bring. What does it matter where the road is going as long as God is leading? ;-)
Hang in there, my friends! I will be upbeat and steady. That is what I do...
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