Thursday, May 7, 2015

Squeak... Squeak

Our Daily Bread
We have all seen it at home and at work -- a squeaky situation (or person) that demands our attention. sometimes it feels like our lives are full of squeaks!  I know that is how my married friends describe being parents to small children. Squeak, Mommy! Squeak, Daddy! Squeak, she hit me!  LOL

I am confused sometimes about the story of the persistent widow and the judge. Does that story mean we are supposed to "squeak" to God constantly to get what we are suppose to have? Even the devotional says that we don't need to ask continuously, or squeak, to God about our needs. We are to ask and be patient. I am so confused. I guess I will have to pray and trust God. Isn't that the point of this story?

Technology Thursday
Every once in a while a very technical article can have a lot of humor in it. Here is an example:
Quantum Computers Will Make Your Laptop Look Like an Abacus

Here are a couple of my favorite lines from the article:
"This technology will make the microprocessor in your laptop seem as sophisticated as a booger."

" If you’re already worried that artificial intelligence will take your job, quantum AI will seem terrifying. Your Google self-driving car will be smarter than your whole department."

We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
Its time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
- Thrive by Casting Crowns 

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