Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Gold Standard...

Our Daily Bread
On the rare occasions that I watch TV, I am amazed by the commercials. There are some marketing slogans that have lasted the test of time. There are some that last a very, very short time. IMHO, I wish the creepy looking king on the Burger King commercials would fade away! Yikes!

The way of God has stood the test of time. Millions of people have proven it, documented it and lived it since Christ came over 2000 years ago. He is our common standard for the way we should live. Remember the two most important rules? "Love God" and "Love others as you love yourself". Too many times we get caught up in the details and forget the basics!

Lord, I want to follow your two simple rules.

Weight Loss Wednesday
There is hope! hehehe I will try harder after the first of the year. I managed to lose 2 pounds this week. Woohooooo! I celebrate the little victories! I will keep plugging away at it. I can do this! I will start walking and riding a bike next week.

Other Stuff
My right eye cleared up a little bit last night, but not much. I decided that I need to cancel my vacation next week since there is a good chance that I will need the vacation days for recovering from eye surgery. I will find out on January 12 what the next steps will be. We may try some more laser surgery first before doing the more serious physical surgery. I had that surgery on my right eye in 2009. It cleared up my eye sight (no more cloudiness), but it caused a cataract to grow very quickly. The cataract surgery didn't go as well as what I wanted. I will be upbeat and steady...

As far as vacation goes, I don't feel comfortable traveling alone to a new place with my eye sight the way it is. There will be other chances to travel. I already have a business trip to Orlando planned for the first week in February. ;-) I will plan some others as I am able to travel.

I want to praise God this morning for helping me work through some relationship issues. This is the last time I will have these conversations with someone that I was interested in. We will be friends. I will not repeat the unhealthy patterns I had with this person the last few years. God is good. God heals. God helps us forgive ourselves when we make mistakes that hurt others. Thank you, Lord, for helping me finally move on.

Looking forward to resting today. I am also gathering stuff for my NYE party. My friends are helping me with that as I am able to go shopping. I don't get tired, but it seems that my eye starts bleeding again or the blood that is in there swirls a lot when I do anything (like take a shower for example). ;-( It will be fine. I feel much better about things after spending time with friends last night (I especially want to thank my close friend, Fly bear). I thank God for them.

Hang in there, my friends! I will be upbeat and steady. That is what I do...

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