Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Living low, not on the down low...

Our Daily Bread
I was not familiar with the phrase ODL or on the DL (on the down low) until a few years ago. As I understand it, it means that someone is doing something discretely that they don't want other folks to know about. Is that the way we are with our relationships with God at times?

We can let earthly and human things distract us from God, like our pride or the things we think are on the down low. God sees everything. There is no down low! hehehe

I got this from the devotional today -- live humbly regardless of your lot in life. Whether you are a king or pauper, talented or just average, rich or poor, live humbly.

Lord, I want to be your humble servant. I don't always do a good job of either things.

Weight Loss Wednesday
Well, I managed to lose the weight I gained over Thanksgiving. I weighed in at 265.4 today. That is a loss of a few pounds since last Wednesday. I have lost about 6.6 pounds overall. I will keep working at it. I found out that I can walk on a treadmill, walk in a pool, or ride a stationery bike for exercise. I am not allowed to walk at the convention center for a while until my knee heals up. I miss my walking buddy!

Other Stuff
Big news: my upgrade project for this weekend was delayed until January! There was a silly reason for the delay, but it is what it is. I can relax this weekend and finish my Christmas decorations. I also need to plan a NYE party.

Hang in there, my friends! I will be upbeat and steady. That is what I do...

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