Saturday, March 28, 2015

Lent - Day 39

Lent - Day 39

from Living Well through Lent 2015

Living Well in Thought, Word, and Deed

Take time today to reflect on what you have read and experienced this week. What thoughts or insights have you had? Did you have a word or a conversation with someone -- or with God -- that stands out? Is there something you did this week that you would like to continue?

Reflect on your weekly resilience practice of letting go How is that going for you? Have you become aware of anything of which you need to let go? Is there a thought, word, or deed relating to letting go that you wish to note and carry forward?

From Duane: I have had a "Let it go" theme at work for the past 18 months or so. I even placed a Postit note on my monitor with those words to remind me! It is so easy in this life to get caught up in being right or judging others that we must "let it go" to be the kind of person our God wants us to be!

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