Thursday, May 24, 2012

Heavy, heavy...

Our Daily Bread
In the movie version of Dream Girls, they added a song called "Heavy".  The lyrics don't make a LOT of sense in the context of the devotional, but concept of God's heavy hand on me when I am not right with him is way too familiar!

Take a look at Psalm 32:1-5.  Read it out loud (like you should all the psalms).  Have you ever felt this way?  Sin and disobedience wears us out!  After we decide to be a child of God, to truly follow him and live for him in our daily lives, nothing else feels right.  We all have our favorite sins and things that we don't want to give up. We have bad habits or pet sins that can't be that bad, could they?  It is also hard when we see others around us enjoying the things that God told us not to do!

Here are some words I have lived by for decades (and decades and decades).  I heard them from a friend in his first sermon.  "If we spend all of our time doing the do's of the Bible, we will be do busy doing the do's to have time to do or worry about the don'ts!"

Lord, help me to keep a right relationship with you.  To confess and turn away from my sins so I can truly know the joy of your salvation!

Technology Thursday
Finally, something cool to write about!!!  I found an article on Yahoo Tech about a new product coming to market this year that will let you operate your computer much like Tom Cruise did in the move Minority Report.  Here is a link to the Leap Motion web site.  Look at the cool video!  This device will let you do it!
It sort of works like the sensor on a Wii gaming system or the Microsoft Kinect on an XBox.  It detects your motions and controls the stuff on the computer screen.  

Being the geek that I am, I had to preorder one.  They are supposed to be available this Fall.  Woohooo!

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

Guide me feet, dear Lord.  Running this race in vain is NOT an option!

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