Monday, May 7, 2012

Timing, it is all in the timing...

Our Daily Bread
Sometimes I feel like I am a rabbit living in a turtle world!  Other times, I feel like a turtle living in a rabbit world.  The pace of the timing of events never seems to suit me.  I remember as a child that it seemed like years before Christmas would arrive on December 25.  Now, each Christmas comes and goes so quickly I can't keep track sometimes!  I actually found an app for that!  hehehe

Timing, it is all about timing.  In God's time, not our time.  Yes, I fully admit that I want things when I want them.  I want God to act when I want him to act.  I want to act slowly with others unless he is punishing them!  hehehe  God is so good and loving and forgiving and patient.  Patience is so important that God made it of the seven fruits of the Holy Spirit when we let it govern our personalities! Galatians 5:22-23  What is God asking you to be patient for?

Lord, thank you for the fruits of the Spirit.  Please let me show them in my life!

Movie Monday
I saw The Avengers on Saturday!  Wow!  I saw the 3D IMAX version.  I don't care what version you see, you gotta see it!  I read this morning that it took in over $200 million over the weekend.  Wow!

The basic story is that Thor's brother, Loki, comes to earth to conquer it.  Captain Fury calls upon the earth's super heroes to come together as a team to defeat the threat.  The first part of the movie belabors the "storming and forming" part of the new team building (gosh, I may have gone to grad school...).  There are a lot of cool sub plots throughout as well.

The 3D effects are OK.  There are some cool parts, but they could have done so much more.  It was definitely not as cool as Transformers last year.  The IMAX filming was very cool.

I give this movie 3 1/2 bear paws.  I loved the interaction of the characters and the belly laugh humor at times.  See it in the theater on the big screen!

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