Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Our Daily Bread
I like science fiction movies.  More than one deals with someone getting exposed to radioactive materials that causes things to happen to their bodies.  Sometimes that is good like Spiderman.  Sometimes that is bad like the Fly or the Incredible Hulk.

What would it be like if folks avoided us because we were radiating God's presence in our face?  That is what happened to Moses after coming down from the mountain.  The people of Israel were afraid to approach him after he obviously communed with God!  I can't even imagine what that was like!

We may never have that kind of experience, but we can strive each day to be closer and closer to God so we can radiate his love!

Lord, you give is more love than our hearts can hold.  Please help us radiate it to others!

Teaching Tuesday
EFM book
We read a chapter about vocation in our EFM class books this week.  What is our vocation?  Is it what we do for a living?  Is it what we do for God?  The book did a great job of linking our personal mission, gifts and passion to our vocation.  It made it clear that our vocation is not necessarily what we do to earn a living.  Some folks thought it would be nice to do that.  Some folks thought not.

Think about your vocation as your ministry for God.  What are those things?  The Bible makes it clear that every role in the church body is important! What is your role?

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

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