Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A team effort

Our Daily Berad
One of the most impressive things about humans, in my humble opinion, is their ability and willingness to come together to accomplish a common goal when needed.  We see it during natural disasters.  We see it in the many opportunities to volunteer in our communities.  We see it in programs like Habitat for Humanity.  Very cool!

The people of Israel came together to build the amazing temple in Jerusalem.  They gave of their belongings and their skills to build the magnificent temple to their Almighty God.  It is especially amazing what the peopleo of God can do for his glory when we come together!  I was especially proud of St Patricks for coming together for the second fish fry last Friday to raise money for Habitat for Humanity.  I plan to volunteer for the last one on April 11.  What does the generosity that God instills in our hearts motivate you to do?

Lord, we thank you for a heart for giving.  Please help us be generous with others like you have been generous with us!

Teaching Tuesday
Countryman: Living on the Border of the Holy
The second half of the book was about priesthood for the laity and priesthood for the clergy.  It was very interesting, though often too wordy in my opinion.  The main thing I got out of the second half of the book was being keenly aware of your opportunities for priesthood and seeking the HIDDEN HOLY each and every day.

Check out the book here.

As wise King Solomon said, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Prov. 3:5-6).

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