Monday, May 5, 2014

All good things

Our Daily Bread
There is a great song called All Good Things by The Afters.  It talks about how every good thing we have or have seen is from God.  It is an interesting concept when we think of how we are so independent in our thoughts and actions.  It is difficult to "rely" on someone else.  Our culture leads us to think that relying on someone shows weakness!

Relying on God, however, shows our strength.  It shows resolve that we acknowledge that we don't always make the best decisions or do what is best for us.  God will lead us to good things, though they may not be the good things the world tries to define for us.  Many Godly folks live in poverty as they help others in poverty.  Many Godly people live in Third World countries that don't have the amenities of the U.S. or Europe.  God's good things won't pass away.  We know serving him is our life's greatest joy!

Lord, thank you for every good thing!  We praise you and lift up your name above all names!

Movie Monday
I saw the movie Spider Man 2 this weekend.  It was interesting.  I thought that the parts that were good were very good.  Otherwise, it was slow in places.  I guess I didn't have much patience with the love story in the movie, but that is just me.  The webbed hero meets the villain Electro in this episode. We also get a look at some of the other villains coming up for the next movies.

I give this movie three bear paws for the special effects and the action scenes.  Definitely see it on the big screen.

Living out of love for God and pleasing Him should be our heart’s desire. - Our Daily Bread

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