Our Daily Bread
If you can imagine, I have a joke with friends about the passage "be content in whatever state you are in" -- even if it is OHIO! LOL You can substitute your state name if you want!
Being content and peaceful in your current circumstances is a great goal. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to improve ourselves or our station in life. The point is that we should move forward for the glory of God, not for our own glorification or worldly desires. God wants what is best for each of us. There are so many times that we push ourselves too hard for the wrong reasons. If you have any questions about this topic, check out the lyrics to Praise you in this storm by Casting Crowns. God is there whether you are up, down, in Ohio or Kentucky, wherever!
Lord, our state of mind and heart do not need to be linked to our circumstances -- only to you!
Wellness Wednesday
6 Foods You Should Make Yourself (and Not Buy!) [article]
Oatmeal packets are typically full of sugar and other preservatives and it's much cheaper to make your own! If your mornings are really rushed, you can even make your own packets ahead of time!
Once you make your own hummus, you'll never be able to go back to buying it from the store. It comes together in minutes and is SO much better (and cheaper)!
Salad Dressing
My favorite salad dressing is super easy and you can combine all ingredients in a jar, shake until combined and keep right in the jar - it won't last long!
1 part olive oil + 2 parts vinegar + diced shallots + dijon mustard + salt & pepper
Making soup at home means you know exactly what goes into it and you won't need to add unnecessary ingredients or preservatives. Soup also freezes nicely, so make a big batch and freeze in portions to eat later.
It can be tempting to buy packaged guacamole, but making your own is much tastier and only takes a few minutes. Combine an avocado with a lime or lemon and season with salt and pepper.
Extra additions: chopped cilantro, chopped onion, diced tomatoes, chopped jalapeno peppers
Stale bread need not be thrown away! Simply cut into 1 inch pieces, drizzle with olive oil, season with spi
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13
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