Friday, July 11, 2014

New approach

Our Daily Bread
There is a common meme or saying: "doing the same things over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity". LOL How true is that in our lives? We try to do things on our own and expect different results than the last time!

I loved this saying in the devotional:
A faithful person organizes his or her life around a common perspective of trust, not fear. Despite the apparent chaos of the present moment, God does reign. Regardless of how I may feel, I truly matter to a God of love

Wow! How about we all try a new approach to life! Faith and trust in God!

Lord, your ways are not our ways. Please help us learn your ways!

Foodie Friday
A friend gave me a juicer so I am going to try some juice recipes. Some friends from work are "juicers" as we jokingly call them. I got this recipe from one of them.

Mean Green Juice
Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 1-2
Serving Size: 16oz. (500 mls)

 1 cucumber
4 celery stalks
2 apples
6-8 leaves kale (Australian tuscan cabbage)
1/2 lemon
1 tbsp ginger

Wash all produce well
Peel the lemon, optional
Pour over ice

The only remedy for hearts that “want it all” is the contentment found in the presence of the living God. He is sufficient for our needs and longings, and He alone can bring us the peace and contentment we’ll never find in the pursuits of this life. - Our Daily Bread

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