Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I heard about a man

Our Daily Bread
I heard a beautiful song by Cynthia Clawson decades ago called I Heard about a Man [video]. The song talks about some of the things that Jesus did in very creative language. I love this song! Click on the link above to watch and listen.

Who was Jesus? Sooooooooooooo many folks have offered their opinions over the centuries! Each of us needs to make oue own discovery and answer the question for ourselves.Listen to and watch the beautiful video above and decide for yourself!

Lord, please help each of us find our way to you!

Teaching Tuesday
Not sure
I am not sure about the first book I planned to read this summer. I read the preface and was not impressed. It sounds like the author is going to explain all the details of the after life and how all that is going to work. What? He says he is going this under the guise of "hope" in the future. Hmmmmm. I will try skimming some more before I try a full fledged reading.  This sounds like a LOT of speculation!  Oh well.

We are far from perfect, but despite our mistakes and our sins, we will never abandon the Lord and he will never abandon us - adapted from a statement about Abraham from the EfM Training Guide

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