Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A planner

Our Daily Bread
OK, I have to admit once again that I am a planner.  Like the fireman in the devotional, I like to have things setup so I can be ready to go when needed.  Examples?  I setup a pill case for my morning meds and one for my evening meds so I don't have to open multiple bottles each morning.  I lay out my workout and work clothes so I can start the day without thinking about what I am going to wear.  There are other things as well I do to help make me more effective and efficient!

I have thought about how to apply these skills to my spiritual life, but I haven't done it as much as I should.  I will work on that?  Will you join me?  Let's all start with the helmet of salvation by giving our minds and hears to God.  Let's put on the rest of the spiritual armor so we listen for our heavenly marching orders and be ready to serve our Heavenly Leader!

Lord, thank you for equipping us for our lives on earth!

Teaching Tuesday
Secret number 16 in the 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People is:
Believe in yourself.

This sounds like such a simple concept.  Believe in your own abilities and you could increase your life satisfaction by 30%!  Wow!

I believe in believing in myself and also helping other people learning to believe in themselves.  I told the story recently about the movie Hook.  There is a scene where Peter Pan can't fly because he can't find his happy thought.  Each of the lost boys and Tinkerbell whisper to him "I believe in you, Peter!".  Isn't that amazing!?! Having someone believe in you?  Isn't it amazing to have that belief in yourself?!?

Let's all try it today!  Practice makes perfect!


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit - Romans 15:13

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