Saturday, September 1, 2012

Say what?

Our Daily Bread
When I was younger, I had red hair.  When I grew my first goatee in college, some of the older folks around college and church swore I looked like a young Mitch Miller!  They joked that having me lead hymns at church was "Sing along with Duane"!  ha!  My hair is darker and grey now, but I still like it when people sing along with me!

Having been in many singing groups, large and small, over the years, I really identified with the devotional this morning.  I learned two things from the devotional.  First, just one person singing out of tune can affect the whole group.  Do you know at least one person in your church that is sort of "singing out of tune"?  It is awkward at times because everyone knows it, but no one will say anything!  Second, there are times that someone needs to lovingly mention that someone is "singing out of tune".  Because of my personality, I am usually the person to speak up (like I do when folks are singing the wrong notes in a real choir).  My biggest problem is saying things "lovingly".  I often let hurt feelings or frustration guide what and how I say things.  Not good!  I finally realized that saying things the wrong way can make it seem like I am the one "singing out of tune"!

Let's all pray for each other to be in one a-chord (accord)!

Simply Saturday
Proof texting
If you have read at least one of my blog postings, you have already figured out that I am a silly old bear sometimes.  I was sitting in church last Sunday and had the oddest thought (well, maybe not for me you might say) during the Lord's Supper scripture reading.  It was a funny-weird-bizarre example of proof texting:
Jesus said: Eat me.

I don't know where you came from, but in my culture the phrase "eat me" is derogatory!  You usually say it to someone when you are angry or when you are responding to something they teased you about!   I don't think this is what Jesus meant.  Can you see how taking things out of context or just pieces of scripture can lead to confusion (and many other bizarre behaviors)?  I found a great article explaining proof texting.  Here is an excerpt:

A proof-text is a verse or short passage from the Bible used by someone as part of his proof for a doctrinal belief he wishes to substantiate to others. However, since verses and passages may rely extensively on the context in which they appear for correct interpretation, pulling these out of their context and having them stand alone in a “proof” can, at times, be very misleading. In addition, a set of such proof-texts can completely ignore other passages which, if added to the mix, might well lead to an entirely different conclusion. Someone who relies strongly only on a list of proof-texts in order to make a doctrinal argument may have a very weak case for his argument. Noting that a religious teacher relies heavily just on proof-texting is viewed in theological circles as a very negative evaluation. (Dewey).

Wow!  Does this explain how so many folks use the Bible to explain and justify their own beliefs?  The saddest part is that most will never question their beliefs because it would rock the foundation of their faith.  If I read my Bible correctly, that is exactly what Jesus did to the Sadducees and Pharisees when he conducted his ministry!  He questioned the status quo.  He questioned the basis of their beliefs in God and then showed them the way to truth.  

In my opinion, the main reason that most people will never reevaluate their beliefs is that we don't have the church leaders in place to lead them to the way of truth.  Notice that I didn't say "ministers' or "preachers" or "priests" or "rectors", I said church leaders.  Showing others the way of truth is everyone's responsibility.  Double wow! ;-0   

I want to leave you with one more quote from the article:
"...each verse should be examined in context, in order to allow the Bible to put forth its own doctrines. The Bible should be allowed to speak for itself, but this will only happen when it is examined in context, as a whole, as God’s complete revelation. "

May we all read the Bible like it is only the "Cliff Notes" to knowing God.  God should be experienced and not just read about.  Knowing about God is not the same as knowing God!

Dewey: Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion, P. Dewey, 2005, Wasteland Press, Shelbyville, KY.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit - Romans 15:13

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