Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back home at last

The flight home yesterday was the normal kind of flight after a great vacation - dreading going back to reality! I am very fortunate that my reality is pretty wonderful. I am thankful for the chances I have had to travel and the chances to do cool stuff at home with friends.

I have my church dinner group tonight. I love hanging out with group each month. We are having BBQ. Does white wine or red go with BBQ? Hehehe I am sure I will find out tonight.

Work is going to be busy the next few months as a new project ramps up when I return.

I am also playing two small parts in our church's production of Big River. I get to sing a corny solo. I can be a big ham. It will be fun! The show is the weekend of Oct 15. Put that on your calendar!

I am attending a Bible study at church on Wednesdays. I was a little surprised to hear that they changed the day from Monday to Wednesday (they had very good reasons for the change). I had already cleared my schedule on Monday nights for the next 30 weeks. I will rework my schedule to accommodate the change. Two of my favorite friends are teaching the class. I am looking forward to it.

I will resume my usual topic schedule this week. It was nice taking a little break from the structure I prefer. Hehehe

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