Saturday, February 2, 2013

I once was blind...

Our Daily Bread
I have a better appreciation for today's devotional after what I went through since 2008 -- fighting blindness. Thanks to many prayers, the skills of my doctors and taking better care of myself, I can see!  I don't have 20/20 vision any longer without glasses, but I can see very well without them.  Praise God!

IMHO, the keys to spiritual sight are similar.  We obtain the new type of vision by accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior.  Then, through many prayers, the skills and spiritual guidance of our friends, church family and ministers, and taking care of our spiritual vision, we can see!  We can see the things that God has for us. See the folks around us who need our help.  See the people that we need to pray for.  See the things inside of us that we need to turn over to God.  Praise God, I can see clearly now!

Lord, thank you for spiritual sight.  Please help us always look for you each and every day!

Simply Saturday
Mandisa songs...
While writing this entry, I cranked up some Mandisa songs from iTunes.  I want to write about a few of them since they spoke to me.

Good Morning (Capital Kings Remix)
If you have read my blog at all, you probably figured out that I am a morning person.  Good Morning, especially this dance mix, really gets me going!  Do a search for it on Youtube.

Stronger (Movin mix)
Yes, God will use any situation to help us better see the things we need to see.  After reading the Old Testament a lot over the past 2.5 years, I can testify!  Whatever you are going through, turn it over to God.  He will make you stronger!

Shackles (Switch Remix)
When we are going through the trials and many times after the trials, we cry out to God to release the chains or things that are holding us back.  We usually forget the next part of that song "so I can dance.  I just want to praise you!".  Too often, we mumble "thank you, God" and not really dance and praise God for deliverance.  It is very freeing!

Songs can speak to me.  I hope they speak to you, too!

We too can know this God and be assured of His presence. He has revealed Himself in His creation and in His Word. As we ask Him to make Himself known to us, we’ll learn that He is even more than the owner and creator of everything! - Our Daily Bread web site

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