Thursday, February 28, 2013

Surely, He has borne our sorrows

Our Daily Bread
If you have read any of my blog postings, you know that I am a silly old bear.  Here is another example of why.  While taking part in a very serious sermon about the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, a former pastor quoted the Bible passage from Isaiah 53:4 "Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering,".  I started chuckling to myself because I could hear Jesus saying "Yes, I did and please don't call me Shirley (surely)!"  Yes, I believe that Jesus has a sense of humor!

Seriously, it was foretold by the prophet Isaiah that one would come who would suffer and die for our sins.  He bore them on the cross so we could have a right relationship with God, we could be whole again in the sight of God.  Wow!  Amen!  Praise God!  What an amazing God!  Have you accepted this gift today?

Lord, thank you for the sacrifice of your Son for atonement.  Please help us live for you!

Technology Thursday
LED lighting
I started using florescent light bulbs in my lamps, ceiling fans, etc. when they became cost effective.  I saved a lot of money on my electric bill as a result.  I am researching the switch to the most energy efficient technology so far for a home in the LED light bulb.  If you have seen these new bulbs at Lowes or Home Depot or online, you noticed right a way they are EXPENSIVE!  Yikes!  Some of the bulbs that I use around the house are as much as $60 each!  Double yikes!  Needless to say, I am waiting for the bulbs to come down in price before I make the switch.

In the meantime, I found a cost efficient method to convert my recessed lighting to LED technology.  It is called the EXT LED recessed can retrofit kit by Luminus.  I noticed them at Costco recently for $25 so I thought I would try two of them in my bedroom.  Wow!  They are nice!  They have a nice light source that fills that part of the room.  They fit correctly in the "can" and look great too!  Here is a picture of the package:

There is an adapter that screws into the light bulb holder, then connects via a small cable to the new light.  Gently push the unit in place and you are all set!  Be sure get them at Costco for $25.  I saw them for $45 on eBay!

Trusting God’s faithfulness dispels our fearfulness. - Our Daily Bread web site

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