Our Daily Bread
There was a popular commercial for push-to-talk technology where the speaker would click his phone, then ask "Where you at?". We know that isn't great English, but it got the point across!
There are two times that I can think of where that question is asked in our relationship with God. When we are going through difficult times, we ask God "Where you at?" when it doesn't feel like he is around. There are also times that God is calling us and asking us "Where you at?". The question is not needed if we are in constant contact with God! Take a look at Psalm 16 when you get a chance. It is a beautiful description about life with God
Lord, thank you for being with us. We always know "where you at?" -- by our side.
Wellness Wednesday
Check yourself before you wreck yourself
I saw the movie Wreck it Ralph a few months ago. It is about a video game character that is tired of being the bad guy in the video game, so he looks for a new life and role in a different video game. How many of us look at our lives and wish we had a different life?
I was reminded of a line from another silly movie, I forget the title. The character said "better check yourself before your wreck yourself". I thought that was very profound coming from a silly movie! It must have been silly because I can't even remember the title! What does this mean?
To mean, it means that we need to constantly evaluate where we are in our lives. It is not difficult to do this with God as the center of our lives. The Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us and bring things to our attention as we are able to handle them. Praise God!
The other thing it means to me is to check yourself on the goals you created at the beginning of the year. I like to check my progress every two months or so (instead of quarterly) so I can make adjustments as needed. How are you doing on your goals? Making progress? It is OK to adjust your goals if you need to!
Wellness is a constant system of feedback so you can adjust your life to be all you can be!
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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