Friday, December 21, 2012

Is it Angry Birds or angry words?

Our Daily Bread
I rarely play games on my iPhone or iPad, except for an occasional bowling game or hearts. I have never played Angry Birds.  I guess I am behind the times!  Oh horror!

I laughed about the Angry Birds game when I read the devotional.  I have the played the game of angry words way too often!  I let my frustrations at work, in my personal life and other things affect the way I talk to people.  Instead of   "keeping it sweet" like the devotional suggests, I can be one big angry bear -- the grizzly bear in me comes out!  To adapt a Native American story, which bear wins out in the struggle of the grizzly bear and the teddy bear inside of me?  The one I feed.

During this holiday season and all year long, let us feed the teddy bear inside of us and keep things sweet!

Lord, thank you for creating us in your image.  Please help us to live by your example!

Foodie Friday
Brining a turkey
To brine a turkey or not to brine.  That is the question.  Whether to suffer the outrageous inconvenience of soaking a 13 pound turkey (small by most standards) in a solution of my choosing in order to make the turkey more moist and flavorful or to take my chances with the way I have cooked turkeys for many years.  Hmmmmm...  ha!  Such lofty thoughts during the holiday season!

I decided to brine my turkey this year.  I am making my own turkey for Christmas instead of buying the take-and-warm meal from Mimis Cafe (I recommend that meal if you are so inclined).  I even found some brining bags on sale at Target for 75% off!  Woohooo!  Here is a collection of articles about how to make a turkey, including brining:

Everything you need to know about making a turkey:

How to brine and a recipe:

My favorite brining recipe is from Woodford Reserve bourbon.  Mix two quarts of water with two QUARTS of Woodford Reserve bourbon.  WHAT!  I would be drinking that!  ha!

Have a great holiday meal!

I will trust in the Lord.  I will wait patiently for Him.

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