Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rest in the Lord

Our Daily Bread
I have several friends that are soooooo busy.  It is not really work related, they just find ways to fill their time that don't include things they probably should do (like Bible study, prayer, etc).  They find time to watch TV, go to concerts, and sometimes work a little overtime.  Their busy-ness, not their business, keeps them from doing the right things.

Sleep is one of the things that we should do.  God created it for a reason even though we don't understand all the things it does for us.  That is why I called today's entry "Rest in the Lord".  "Doing" is not always what God calls us to do.  "Resting" is also what he calls us to do.  Are we resting enough?  Are there priority changes we need to make to get enough rest?  Let's think about that today, maybe around nap time!  ha!

Lord, thank you for the blessing of sleep.  Please help us rest and rest in you.

Simply Saturday
Even, Consistent, Flowing
I didn't make it a goal for 2013 for several reasons, but I want to be more even and consistent and flowing in 2013.  The main reason I didn't make it a goal is that the I couldn't fit it into the SMART model!  How do you measure "even"?  ha!  It might not be reasonable for me either!  hahaHA!  I find myself at time at either end of the spectrum between Don't worry be happy and Go to Extremes.  Here is my take on the topic.  I hope it might speak to you.  I think there are three aspects to being even and consistent.

I had a lot of ups and downs physically the past five years.  Illnesses, new medications for my diabetes and low testosterone and finally being able to workout and lose weight.  LOTS of ups and downs!  It is hard to be even and consistent with these things happening.

Mental discipline about acting a consistent way -- at least on the outside -- is something I have never been great at.  I like to consider myself as "real".  I am able to show a poker face, but I don't think that is always honest.  Finding the mental discipline to act consistently appropriate AND honestly is something I strive after.  One friend told me recently "Don't worry.  That is just the way you are" when I flirted with him for the one hundredth time.  Hmmm.  Is it?  Or am I just being undisciplined during my interactions with folks?  The physical stuff can also affect your mental state.  Definitely.

Yes, having a consistent spiritual life of church attendance, service to others, Bible study, prayer and other activities as lead by God also helps with consistency.  I told an ex-boyfriend "I need to put God first so I can be the man you need me to be".  It took him a while to understand that.

I don't know about you, but I need to relax and take it easier on myself.  We are human.  We have ups and downs.  The key, in my humble opinion, is to find the balance that is appropriate for who you say you are.  What does that mean?  I mean don't be hypocritical.  Don't SAY you are one thing, then act completely differently.  Find the balance to act consistently and evenly as best you can through balancing the three areas above.  Being perfect is not the goal. Being the best we can be is!  We can do this!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit - Romans 15:13

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