Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Without equal

Our Daily Bread
While my roommate was flipping channels last night, he asked me if I had ever watched "Worlds Strongest Man" competitions.  I said "Yes, I watched that a few times..."  hehehe  He didn't know my love for hunky strong men, of course!

While these strong, strong men can pull buses, dead lift small cars, and push large stone spheres over their heads, their strength pales in comparison to our Almighty God!  Whatever these men can move, God created.  Whatever they can lift with their massive muscles, God can think into being.  God has the same power over the evil in this world.  It is not a yin and yang scenario.  It is our Almighty God allowing us to have free will and allowing evil to exist.  There is no equal to our God!

Lord, thank you, our Almighty King of heaven and earth, for having a personal relationship with us!

Teaching Tuesday
I finished the book Surprised by Joy this weekend.  It is amazing how much reading, mending pants and watching movies you can get done while sitting on the couch with your left foot elevated!

I was fascinated by the early life stories of C.S. Lewis.  Nothing prepared me for the last few chapters as he wrapped up his stories with his epiphany.  He expertly wove the thought patterns together to figure out the source of real joy.  The source of meaning of life.  His journey to God and his ultimate surprise of the joy only God can give!

NEXT UP: I started a book called The Mountain of Silence in 2011.  I stopped reading about page 140 (our of 240 pages), and put the book down.  I was losing interest because I didn't understand the things I was reading.  God lead me to pick the book up again on Sunday.  As always, he knew exactly what he was doing!  The passages began to speak to me, you know the ones that I just didn't "get" before.  I was highlighting and underlining like crazy!  I will finish the book this week and write about it next Tuesday.

You are a success in God’s kingdom if you are faithful where He has placed you. - Our Daily Bread

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