Saturday, December 21, 2013

Walk towards the light!

Our Daily Bread
You might have noticed that I like movies!  Today's devotional reminded me of the movie Poltergeist.  "Do NOT go into the light!" screams one of the characters at one critical point in the movie.  The youngster is being summoned by evil spirits that look like a bright, pretty light.  Yikes!

During the Christmas season, our God is calling us to walk into his bright, pretty, loving light!  We celebrate the arrival of the Light of the World, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  This season is full of light in a world that can be dark and scary.  I love the images and paintings of the day Christ was born.  The devotional gave this one as an example: Adoration of the Shepherds by Rembrandt (couresy of Wikipedia)
Rembrandt painted the brightest light in the room emanating from the Christ Child.  How cool is that?  The light of the Christ Child continues to shine bright today.  Will you let him in your heart and life today?

Lord of Love and Light, please help us let you spread your light within us and outside us!

Simply Saturday
Wait for it
I never really thought it as much as this year, but the Christmas season is one of waiting.  Waiting in traffic.  Waiting in lines at the stores.  Children waiting ever so patiently for Santa.  Waiting for friends and family to arrive.  The tradition of Advent as we wait for the Messiah. 

I don't know about you, but the last two are the only ones worth waiting for!  ha!  I enjoy hosting my family for Christmas.  I enjoy having friends over for parties and just to hang out.  Waiting for them to arrive is all part of the experience!

I wasn't reared in a faith with a tradition of celebrating Advent.  I began observing Advent about six years ago at a new church I attended.  Since I am singer, the month of December is usually a very busy month with final rehearsals and lots of concerts.  Taking time to wait is not usually on my agenda!  I have thorough enjoyed the daily Advent devotional from the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio.  Different rectors and other folks from around Ohio wrote the devotionals.  Waiting has never been so inspiring!  Now I wait patiently and with hope for the devotional each day.  I also know that waiting for the Christ child is something we need to think about each day.  God sent him for us.  For us!  Amazing!  While the new bike or iPad Air or maybe a new car seems like the ultimate gift, God already topped all of those!  Amen!

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. - 2 Thessalonians 3:16

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