Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Our Daily Bread
When I was in business school, we learned about a way to manage inventory called JIT (just in time).  Instead of keeping huge quantities of supplies on hand, which required large warehouse facilities, factories worked with their suppliers to get smaller shipments more often to save money and reduce waste.

In my 54 years, I see God like that many times.  Yes, I would prefer an answer sooner rather than later, but he ALWAYS provides just in time.  JIT faith as I call it requires us to turn our needs over to God and to trust him to meet them.  I am not saying we don't have any personal responsibility.  I am saying that we do not have to fret about tomorrow!  Let's practice JIT faith for the rest of this month to see how God provides!

Lord, we thank you and praise you for providing our needs much better than we can ever do ourselves!

Wellness Wednesday
5 Ways To Avoid Gaining Weight This Winter
Check out the article here.

We are far from perfect, but despite our mistakes and our sins, we will never abandon the Lord and he will never abandon us - adapted from a statement about Abraham from the EfM Training Guide

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