Monday, August 31, 2015

Procrastinators by nature

Our Daily Bread
I believe human beings are procrastinators by nature. Yes, even disciplined and over-achieving folks like me always have something they are putting off. My nemesis right now is getting some pictures framed. Whew. I bought frames and have had the pictures for two years.  Oh boy...  I guess I need to listen to the sermon from yesterday and "Just do it!".  LOL

Even if given a deadline, we will often try to get an extension, like on our taxes, a scholarship applications, etc. Christ calls us constantly if we do not have a relationship with him. He wants to know us. To make our lives purposeful. To help us love ourselves by loving others. Let us not procrastinate about that one!  May the Lord be with us!

Movie Monday
I didn't make it to the movies again this week. What is up with that!?!  LOL Not much on that I haven't seen or want to see, I guess.  Sooooo, I watched Netflix again.  This week is:

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
How cute was this movie!  Very cute! Loved the creativity with creating and naming the food animals on the island. The story line was pretty easy to follow (I think most folks saw the bad guy right away). It talked about the importance of family and friends (and for my friend Dana), fishing!

I give this move three bear paws.

The Dark Truth
This one caught my attention because of the cast: Andy Garcia and Forrest Whittaker. Great movie about the fight against private companies buying the water rights to for an entire country. Very well done. There is some shocking violence at the beginning.

I give this move three bear paws.

We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
Its time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
- Thrive by Casting Crowns

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