Tuesday, August 4, 2015

To post or not to post

Our Daily Bread
I think we all have "that friend" on Facebook or Twitter that you know or have known forever, but you just don't agree with the things the friend posts on social media. I had this discussion with several friends right after the same-sex marriage ruling by the Supreme Court. Lord have mercy!

As Americans, we have freedom of speech. That can often get us into trouble for speaking our mind. We always have to remember that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences for what we say!

As Children of God, we also have freedom of speech because of the way God made us. We also have a tremendous responsibility to represent our God and our Savior with everything we do and say. The devotional had a quick test on whether we should say something:
Things to keep in mind: Is what I am saying true, and is it loving? What is my motivation? Will it help anyone? Will this reflect the character of Jesus? [link]

Teaching Tuesday
I grew up Southern Baptist, so I was not familiar with how to use a rosary when my EFM mentor talked about it one day. She gave us  instructions AND a custom rosary she purchased for each of us. I love my mentors!  I don't use it as much as I should. I wanted to review how to use it to spur me on. Maybe you can use one, too, regardless of your chosen religion. Here is a great article on what the Anglican rosary is and how to use it.  My advice is that you shouldn't get too caught up in the technical details, Use it as a tool for meditation and prayers.

Saying the Anglican Rosary

We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
Its time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
- Thrive by Casting Crowns

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