Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another frickin' lesson in patience...

Our Daily Bread
I know I say this at least three or four times per week, but today's devotional really spoke to me!  ;-)  The lesson is about patience.

There are some areas in my life that I show extraordinary patience.  Most other areas I do not.  God has been teaching more about patience and perseverance the past few years.  I understand why, but I don't really care of the process!  hehehe  There are may things that mean so much more to me now than they used to.  That is all part of it, I guess.

Lord, thank you for being patient with me.  Help me to be patient with myself and with others.  Please help me to know when to be patient and when to move on.

Simply Saturday
Lots to do today.  Whew!  I had a busy week.  Looking forward to getting some stuff done around the house and resting.  I also have my church dinner group tomorrow night.  A few of the group will be out of town, however, most of us will be attending.  Very cool.

Hang in there, my friends.  I will be upbeat and steady.  That is what I do...

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