Our Daily Bread
I haven't been around children that much in my life, but I have noticed that they can tell when something is unfair at a very young age. They look to adults to understand why unfairness exists. Why unfairness is tolerated. Why unfairness is acceptable in this world.
As children of God, we also look around at what appears to be unfairness. I am not talking about GLBT issues right now. I am talking about the things listed in the devotional and in Psalm 73. Yes, the wicked appear to get away with their wickedness (even though no one mourns the wicked! hehehe). Yes, unfairness does appear to abound when we compare our lives to those around us.
Psalm 73:28 meant a great deal to me:
28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.
It IS good to be near God. When I focus on this fact, all the unfairness that seems to go against me fades away because of my relationship with the one, Almighty God. Praise God!
Lord, thank you for being my refuge and strength through all the times in my life.
Movie Monday
I had some late appointments last week so I went to three early movies. What a treat!
One of the first blockbusters of this year, Thor was worth seeing on the big screen. I saw the regular version. There are also 3D and IMAX 3D versions available as well. I liked the movie a lot. It was a nice mixture of action and humor. The story line made sense. You should see this one on the big screen. I give it 2 bear paws.
There be dragons
This was a sleeper movie that I stumbled across before it was available on all the movie houses in town. It is about two men and how their lives inter-twined from childhood. It is based on true events. The most amazing part is how one of the men was later canonized by the Catholic church. The movie is slow, but it moves along. It has some amazing twists in the last 30 minutes. It is definitely worth seeing. I give it two bear paws. You can see this one on video.
This is a vampire movie. Woohoooo! The plot is that a group of warrior priests is no longer needed due to their victory over the vampires. The problem is the vamps are breeding a new army for a new fight. One priest risks everything to rescue his "niece" from the vamps. Lots and lots of action. The vamps are scary. The city and the church are also scary. hehehe
My favorite line was "Remember, we do not serve the church. We serve God". Wow!
I give the movie two bar paws. See it on the big screen.
Other Stuff
I was sort of busy over the weekend. Actually, I did too much on Saturday and ended up sleeping all afternoon on Sunday! I feel a little better today. I had a nice time catching up with my buddy from Cincy that was visiting town to referee volleyball tournaments.
I had a great time with my dinner group last night. I love those folks!
Hang in there, my friends! I will be upbeat and steady. That is what I do...
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