Our Daily Bread
I remember studying the passage in Deuteronomy about revenge in my Disciple 2 class last year. The "eye for an eye" passage seemed odd to us all. The oddest part is that passage was a vast improvement over the current practices of the day! Revenge in that day usually escalated from "eye for an eye" to "eye for both eyes" or I will hurt you WAY more than you hurt me or mine!
Jesus took that ruling even further. He talked about turning the other cheek. Forgiving others and not exacting revenge under any circumstances, EVEN IN YOUR MIND! Yikes! I don't know about you, but I sometimes wish harm on others that harmed me. I sometimes take a little pleasure when someone who hurts me gets hurt by someone else. That is wrong of me. I should only wish God's love and will for everyone, not just the folks that like me. I once told a friend "Yes, I am glad I don't get what I deserve. I would not be where I am today..." hehehe Each child of God is here and in their current state by the grace of God. Yes, God can give us strength to do the things that move us ahead in life, but it is still by his grace that we are free.
Lord, thank you for your grace and for your forgiveness. Help me forgive others and wish them well.
Teaching Tuesday
I think the text above describes some of the things I have been thinking and praying about lately. God's will and God's love are things I make too difficult to understand and fulfill in my day to day life. I need to think of the KISS principal -- Keep It Simple, Silly! Yes, I make things too difficult. Keep in simple.
Other Stuff
I found out that my ex has been very sick the past few weeks. I am sorry to hear that. I asked my prayer group to include him in our prayers.
I am feeling better today, though I still couldn't drag myself out of bed on time this morning. At least I am making it to work on time. Whew...
Hang in there, my friends. I will be upbeat and steady. That is what I do...
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