Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'd rather have Jesus...

Our Daily Bread
I like the hymn "I'd rather have Jesus".  I remember hearing it sung by George Beverly Shea during a Billy Graham rally.  It was so moving!  I think about that hymn and what it could mean to my life.

I have a friend who feels called into the ministry after being a highly paid lawyer for the last twenty years.  I pray for him and think about this hymn.  I pray that the "new normal" for his life will be an easy transition as he moves out of his big house and realizes he can't live like he used to.  I hope "I'd rather have Jesus" means more to him now and realize how following Jesus can affect your life.

The devotional is clear -- money is not evil.  The love of money is evil when we put it before our relationship with God.  Let's ask ourselves today -- would we really rather have Jesus?

Lord, thank you for being more than money can ever buy.

Technology Thursday
I found this article on the Yahoo Technology site -- Are you being monitored at work?  Where do you work?  Small company?  Medium size?  Large?  The chances are that the larger your company, the more likely your online activity is being monitored.  You might even be videotaped, have your badge scans tracked for entries and exits to buildings, and have your emails monitored depending on your role in the company.

Why would a company do this?  The most pressing reason is regulatory requirements by the government.  Other important reasons include security clearances (for companies like Battelle) and corporate secrets (like in industries with patented forumlas).  Think of Coca-Cola and how secret the formula is!  I have also seen company resources abused like folks streaming videos during work time or downloading gigs of music to their laptops.

So what should you do?  My general rule is Biblically based: what is done in the dark will be brought to light.  Hmmmm.  That is sort of scary, but it is true.  When at work, it is best to focus on work stuff.  Only do your personal Internet research and personal business transactions at home or away from work.  Always assume that you are being monitored and always follow your company's usage and access policies to be safe!
Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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