Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thy Word is a...

Our Daily Bread
A simple, but powerful, Amy Grant song spoke to me the first time I heard it: "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path".  So simple, but something we don't think about every day!  I am actually working on a tattoo design for my right arm with this concept!  hehehe

The devotional today is about God's Word providing comfort as well as guidance.  We can find scriptures all through the Bible, New and Old Testaments, that provide us with strength and comfort.  Praise God!

Another amazing coincidence is this devotional corresponds with a book suggested to me by an acquaintance on Facebook called Praying God's Word.  While I don't agree with the opinion in Chapter 13 of the book, the rest of it is very cool.  It gives many scriptures that we can use in prayer to release us from "strongholds" or things that Satan has dug into our lives.  What strongholds does Satan have in your life?  I will write about this some more on Saturday.

Lord, thank you for your Word and for the strength and comfort we can find within it!

Technology Thursday
Space....the final frontier... There is a lot of news about space this week since NASA successfully landed the new rover on Mars.  Very cool!  The pictures are fascinating.  There have also been some very funny comics about the adventure as well like two Martians standing still and saying "Smile, its taking pictures again".  ha!  While some folks don't understand why we spend so much money on stuff like this, I find it fascinating!  Reaching out and learning more about our universe is priceless!  To me, it just proves over and over how great our God is!

The other space-related topic is about the Shuttle Enterprise on display in New York City at the Sea, Air and Space Museum's Space Shuttle Pavilion.  It opened at the end of July, but hasn't been promoted very much so far.  Check out the cool pictures about this.

Lastly, there is a LOT of technology going on in the background at the Olympics!  I find it amazing how things change each time the Olympics are held.  For example, Twitter was not that big during the 2008 games!  Now folks have their careers and dreams encouraged or dashed based on tweets!

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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