Our Daily Bread
I love it when a plan comes together! When you read the Teaching Tuesday entry below, you will notice the common theme today -- being positive and joyful. It is had to be one without the other! The coolest part is that the two topics came together on God's schedule, not mine! I think we all need to hear this message at times!
I have to admit -- I am not always the upbeat Duane that is reflected on my Facebook page. I usually am, but not always. A close friend reminded me that my upbeat comments and funny remarks mean a lot to him because he knows it is not always easy for me to be upbeat and positive. God speaks to me (and to us all if we listen) through many different avenues. There is his Word. I love Psalm 100. I sang a setting of that in choir last year. He speaks to me through circumstances, like the timing of this devotional and the 100 Secrets book. He speaks to me through nature and other folks. Even when other folks, especially my Christian brothers and sisters, aren't treating me nicely, I will remain positive because it is an opportunity to pray for them and to show them God's love no matter what.
No, it is not always easy. It is not meant to be. Serving the Lord with gladness is a privilege and a joy no matter what the circumstances and what comes my way!
How is God speaking to you? Are you listening?
Lord, thank you for the honor and privilege of serving you. Please help me always do it with joy!
Teaching Tuesday
Secret number15 from the 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People is:
If you're not sure, guess positively.
This is like the "glass half empty" or "glass half full" approach to life in general. When in doubt about a situation, look at the positive side. It is so much healthier and adds to your happiness! I understand that some folks want to be sad and bitter about life after being beaten down. I have felt that way at times. Try looking on the bright side just a little bit a day and keep it going. You can do this!
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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