Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mr Clean

Our Daily Bread
Once again, the topic for today's devotional follows what I planned to write for the Teaching Tuesday section!  How amazing is that!

The devotional is about "staying clean" in the eyes of the Lord.  How can we as sinful humans do that?  We can do that by following a healthy routine of confession and asking forgiveness!  I know I forget to do this.  I sort of ask for forgiveness, don't really repent and then sin again!  Yikes!  Not exactly Mr Clean!

What do I mean by a "healthy" routine?  Perfectionists such as me can beat themselves up over and over during and after each sin.  We don't accept God's love and forgiveness because we can't forgive ourselves.  We punish ourselves over and over.  Accepting God's love and forgiveness enables us to do better the next time we are tempted.  Praise God!

Lord, I want to do better.  Please help me forgive myself.  Please help me to repent and turn away from my repetitive sins!

Teaching Tuesday
The D1 lesson this week is on Atonement.  Boring!  ;-p  It is so important in the history of the Hebrew people.  God used these instructions and rituals to set the Hebrew people apart from the rest of the world.  I think we forget that God wants us today to be part of this world, but not of this world.  We are to act differently than other folks.

The other thing I realized is that God doesn't NEED our sacrifices.  He was teaching the Hebrews about giving their best to the Lord.  We are supposed to do that today as well.  Do we have to sacrifice a bull or a lamb?  No.  God tells us in his Word that he doesn't need our sacrifices.  He wants our love and obedience and fellowship with him.  Those are the reasons he created us!  Through the revelation of himself in the Bible, God is trying to get us back to the Garden of Eden -- a place of fellowship with God!

Other Stuff
I did NOT feel well last night.  I went to bed about ten minutes after I got home.  I work up a few minutes before the Beggars Night ended.  Heavy sigh.  I had been looking forward to handing out candy to the ghouls and goblins!  I will return the candy to Target tonight.  After having a bite to eat, I went back to bed and slept till morning.  I feel much better today!

I have a dentist appointment after work tonight.  I plan to visit my friend in the hospital after that.  I might finish my housecleaning after the hospital visit.  I am very busy the rest of the week.  If I don't finish the cleaning tonight, I will finish it on Saturday.  I need to mow the lawn one last time and clean up the dead plants in my landscaping for the winter.  I am soooo looking forward to the landscaping in the Spring!  I hope my hard work wasn't in vain!  ;-)

God is working in me this week in several ways.  I will see how things work out.  What does it matter where the road goes as long as God is leading?

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in His loving arms...

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