Wednesday, June 27, 2012

9 wonderful fruits...

Our Daily Bread
You have heard of the seven deadly sins, right?  There was even a bizarre movie made about them called Seven.  Ewwww!   The devotional today is about what I call the nine graces.

They are not really graces.  They are called the fruits of the Spirit.  They are: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Wow, I pretty much suck at all of those things!  Darn it!  I guess I need more Spirit!  Holy Spirit that is!

How about you?  Do any of those words describe you?
Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to us and help us be open to learning the fruits of the Spirit!

Workout Wednesday

This is a kettlebell:
Product Details

They come in different weights and can be used for a wide variety of exercises.  Please don't make the mistake I made and call it a kettleball.  The trainers REALLY hate that!  I told him if it doesn't ring, then it isn't a bell!  Makes sense!

I use these for several exercises:
military presses:  This exercise starts holding the kettlebell in one hand about chest high, then lift it up keeping your arm and elbow close to your ear.  Repeat about ten times on each side.  Do three sets.  You can use a larger kettlebell as you build strength.

Swings:  Place  your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart.  Hold the kettlebell by the handle with both hands.  You want to swing the bell up to about waist height, then pivot your hips back, swinging the bell between your legs.  You should look like one of those funny birds that swivel down and up into a glass of water!  Don't bend your knees a lot, just slightly.  You should feel this exercise in the back of your legs and glutes.  Do three sets of ten reps to start.

weight assisted lunges:  Hold one kettlebell above your head while doing walking lunges.  Try doing three sets of 20 walking lunges (that is ten on each side).  You can also hold a kettlebell in each hand, straight down, when doing walking lunges to add more difficulty and strength training.  

These things are very handy.  There are a lot more exercises you can do.  They are sort of pricey, so I don't keep any around the house.  I may invest in some if I catch a good deal somewhere.  I am sort of between sizes right now.  I will try to move up if I buy some.

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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