Thursday, June 7, 2012

Boast not about tomorrow

Our Daily Bread
If you have been around me for more than five or ten seconds,  you will probably notice that I am a high-performing, type A, planning kind of guy.  I am getting better about relaxing and taking things easy, being more spontaneous.  Yeah, I pretty much suck at spontaneous!

The devotional reminded me that I can be boastful about my elegant plans.  The passage from James really spoke to me as I thought about some of my discussions with friends.  Some of them live vicariously through me as I travel around the U.S. for fun.  I choose to spend my money on traveling instead of other things that they spend their money on.  But I digress...

I learned from the devotional that I need to be more mindful of God when I talk about my plans and realize that it is only by the grace of God that I am able to do these things.  After overcoming many health challenges the past four years, I know what it is like to cancel trips and cut waaaaayyyy back on activities.  I should not boast.  I should be grateful at all times!

Lord, help us to acknowledge your grace for every thing in our lives -- you give us strength and hope to be victorious in all things...

Technology Thursday
If you haven't picked up on it while reading my blog entries, I really enjoy my iPhone.  I enjoy finding new apps that enrich my life and addons or gadgets that can make the iPhone even more useful.  Here are two gadgets for the iPhone photographer.  They are recommended for the iPhone 4 or 4S that have the better camera than earlier models.

The iPhone Telephoto Lens
Click here to view this telephoto lens gadget for the iPhone.  It is an 8X telephoto lense for your iPhone, even thought it does make your camera look funny.   It is only $35!

The iPhone SLR Mount
Click here to view this kit.  This $249 kit is available for Canon or Nikon lenses.  It enables you to use the SLR lenses you already own to your iPhone!  Pretty cool!

There is another gadget that I preordered the other day, but it is not generally available until September.  I will post more info about it when it is available!

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

Guide my feet, dear Lord!  Running this race in vain in NOT an option!

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