Our Daily Bread
I thought the devotional was very intense today. It was about Jesus and how he was described in John's Revelation. Instead of all the majesty and splendor and glory that described God, Jesus was described as the Lamb that was slain. He still had his wounds. Why does he still have his wounds?
The answer given by Charles Spurgeon is that his wounds are his glory! Wow! I had to think about that for a few minutes. No, this is not one of those "I got those scars in the war, young fella!" kind of moments. To me, it was a "I got these scars because I obeyed my heavenly Father and bore the sins of the world!" moment! His precious body beaten and bruised and punctured -- for each of us. Yes, to the Lamb be all glory and power and honor indeed! Praise Jesus! Praise God!
Lord, please help us remember the Lamb that was slain for us each and every day...
Technology Thursday
There are two big tech stories this week: Apple's announcements and Verizon's announcement.
Apple's WWDC announcements
Apple announced several very cool things on Monday at their developers' conference. New hardware. New software. I won't write out everything. The biggest announcement was for iOS6. Here is a link to a good article. iOS is the operating system that runs on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch devices. With all the upgrades to the Android operating system in the past year, Apple had to do something. All the reviewers thought they did a great job.
There is also a new version of the Mac OS coming out. There will be more social integration with Facebook and other sites, much like the iOS.
Apple also announced new hardware. The updated the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and Mac Pro. The first two are laptops. The latter is their super amazing desktop box. Here is an article about the hardware updates. The MacBook Pro is now available with a Retina display similar to the new iPad and the latest iPhones. Pretty amazing stuff, but be ready to fork over some big bucks!
Verizon's data plan announcements
There have been rumors for a while that the major wireless carriers would be revising their phone and data plans because of the onslaught of data-hungry smartphones. Verizon took the lead by announcing their new shared data plans. For some folks, the new plans are cheaper. For others, they are about the same. For others, their bills would increase if they chose a new plan. Here is a good article about it.
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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