Monday, June 15, 2015

Psalms of Ascents

Our Daily Bread
There have been many, many settings of Psalms over the centuries. I like some of the settings of the Songs of Ascents psalms (120-134).  They are usually psalms of praise and love for a long trip. I can just hear the Israeli children asking "Are we there yet?"  LOL

These psalms remind me of my favorite text: How can I keep from singing?  The lyrics set to several different musical arrangements, the song talks about the message of today's devotional. With all the things that God has done for us and all the times that God has been with us, how can we keep from singing? Whether it be a Song of Ascent or a meaningful hymn or a contemporary Christian song, we need to keep looking up to God. Keep singing.  We can do this!

Movie Monday
I got to see Jurassic World and San Andreas this weekend.

Jurassic World
I liked Jurassic World almost as much as the original Jurassic Park. It seemed to have much of the same spirit of the first movie and a LOT of scary action. It also had the humor element here and there as well that broke the tension. Very cool special effects that didn't overwhelm my senses like some movies do

I give this movie four bear paws. Definitely see it at the theater on the big screen!

San Andreas
If you go into this movie accepting disbelief and not expecting a lot, you will really enjoy this movie. It was as good a disaster movie as I have seen in the past five years or so. The special effects were awesome, but a little overwhelming at times. They way they made the cities of LA and San Francisco shake apart was amazing.  Dwayne Johnson tried to act again. He is getting better.

I give this one two bear paws. Try to see it at the theater on the big screen to enjoy the CGI.

We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
Its time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
- Thrive by Casting Crowns

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