Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I know my Redeemer lives

Our Daily Bread
Nicole C. Mullen has one of the songs that is dear to my heart called I know my Redeemer lives. Check out the lyrics here. It has a wonderful soulful sound with insightful lyrics, both new in thought and reminiscent of the statements of Job. Here is the Youtube video as well.  My favorite line is in the last few choruses. I know my Redeemer lives "because I talked to him this morning!"  Yes!

I know I don't always start my day talking to the Redeemer of my soul. How about you? Can we pray for each other to begin, end and even live the times in between with our Redeemer? May the Lord be with us!

Teaching Tuesday
I didn't read any of the Mindless Eating book this week, but I did start implementing "mindful" eating habits as often as I can.  I haven't been as consistent as what I want or need to be, but it will become more natural the longer I practice. 

Being in this "mindful" state of mind has also helped with my spiritual life. Isn't it amazing how God works?  Praise God!  It has been four days of mixed emotions since the SCOTUS ruling on Friday. I am thrilled that I can finally marry someone I love in this country. I am saddened by the reactions of my conservative Christian friends and relatives in general. Many were very loving and supporting. Many were loving, but stated when I thought were ignorant and archaic thoughts about the Bible and God.  I came up with this prayer, which I fully attribute to my years in EFM and the spiritual growth from that experience. I still have a loooonnnggg way to go.  Here is what I call the social media collect:
Dear God of love and peace
You see all of our posts and our tweets
We pray for the guidance of your Holy Spirit in what we write to others
So our only goal is leading them into a closer relationship with you.


We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
Its time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
- Thrive by Casting Crowns

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