Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Comforted, we are

Our Daily Bread
What would a Sunday morning message sound like if Yoda, the character from the Star Wars films, was a minister?  hehehe  "Comforted, we are" he would say!  ha!  The devotional today talks about just that.

Yes, tears and sadness in this life are almost inevitable.  Stuff happens!  The key for a child of God is how we handle these times.  Do we cower in a dark place, afraid to come out again?  Afraid to put our heart out, hoping to find love?  Afraid to care about friends or family because they just leave us eventually?  NO!  We are to cast our cares on God!  He will help us heal and make us whole!  It is OK to cry.  God knows I have done enough of it this year trying to work through a relationship.  I refuse to close myself off.  I refuse to "give up on men" as one friend suggested.  I will have an open and loving heart to present to the man that God has for me.  Praise God!

Lord, thank you for each tear.  It seems I get at least three blessings for each tear!  

Witness Wednesday
As I wrote above, I will not let the last failed attempt at the relationship I wanted to keep my down.  Yes, there have been tears.  No, I am not as strong as I would like to be since I don't want to remain close friends with this person.  It is all I can do at this point to pray for the man.  He is so out of touch with himself and his feelings.  He finds some fantasy world to dwell in instead of reality and this world.  It is sad.  I hoped my love would help him.  I didn't want to fix him -- just bring him back to the land of the loving after he had been hurt. Doesn't God love us back to wholeness?  I gave up.  I will be fine.  He will have to worry about his own problems and the ramifications.

Other Stuff
I had a great dinner at my walking buddy's home last night.  We always have a good evening.  I got a few things done around the house before I went over.

Making some more plans for Pittsburgh this weekend.  Should be fun.

Hang in there. my friends!  I will be upbeat and steady.  That is what I do...

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