Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Go, go, go!

Our Daily Bread
You will see these three words in my Facebook posts almost every weekend "Go, go, go!"  Do something, I say!  So many folks sit around and watch TV and wonder where the weekend went! 

As someone who is usually highly motivated to "go, go, go", the devotional made me think about why I do this, especially at the age of 53.  Isn't go, go, go a younger person's mantra?  I realized that I need to look at my motivation.  Am I doing this to give the glory to God or to build myself up?  After thinking about for a little while, I think it is a little "build myself up" and mostly "to the Glory of God".  That is my story and I am sticking to it!  Yes, I enjoy the compliments from my friends who tease me about being so active.  Even more, I enjoy the motivation I give others to do more, especially in their relationship to God.  Regarding going to the gym and working out, I do those things for the Glory of God and for my health.  Both good things!  What are you doing? What should you be doing?  Let's pray about that together!

Lord, thank you for being our strength and motivation.  Please help us always be motivated by serving you and our fellow folks!

Teaching Tuesday
I didn't read my lesson for this week since I have a concert tonight and won't be attending class.  That is a poor excuse.  I don't want to get behind with only a few weeks left!  I will catch up this week. 

The lesson was about Jeremiah.  Take a look at the book of Jeremiah if you get the chance.

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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