Wednesday, April 10, 2013

KISS principle

Our Daily Bread
You know the KISS principle, right?  Keep It Simple, Stupid!  I usually prefer to say "silly" instead of "stupid'.  I guess I started that after I saw the movie Forrest Gump!  ha!

The point of the devotional is that we should keep it simple when we tell others about Jesus.  What?  I guess we need to deal with the fact that most of us are shy about talking about Jesus and our relationship with God.   I know I can talk about cars and movies and sports, but get shy when talking about God.  Why is that?  I think the suggestion to keep is simple is a great one.  We often think it is too difficult to explain or feel awkward telling others they need to be saved.  I am trying harder to share my faith with others.  It is still not as easy as talking about cars and movies and sports, but I am doing a little better.  How about you?

Lord, thank you for the gift of salvation.  Please help us keep it simple and tell others the wonderful story!

Wellness Wednesday
I like reading the Healthy Living section of the site.  They always have a lot of interesting health article from respectable sources.  Here is one I found about breakfast.  Too many folks skip breakfast. That is a bad thing!  Just as bad is not eating the right things for breakfast.  Check out the article
Healthy Breakfast Tips: Avoid These Morning Mistakes

Not Enough Protein
Many of my patients have a bowl of cereal with milk for their breakfasts. Seems like a good choice, right? Yes, one cup of milk provides eight grams of protein, but think about it: How often do slurp down all the milk that accompanies our cereal? Not often, I would guess. Protein digests more slowly than carbohydrates, so without ample amounts, you'll be hungry sooner rather than later. If you don't want to drink the milk from the bowl, add a hard-boiled egg to your meal for extra protein. You can also consume protein via 100 percent whole-grain toast, and when you do, don't top it with just a tiny smear of peanut or almond butter. Enjoy the full serving of nut butter with your toast to get more protein.

Too Little Fiber
The more sugar in your breakfast cereal, the faster it digests, and the hungrier you'll be. Conversely, more fiber will keep you fuller longer. So, here's my rule of thumb for cereal: There should always be at least five grams of fiber, and there should always be more fiber than sugar. For extra fiber, add chia or flax seeds. If you choose the latter, make sure to grind the seeds first, or else you won't absorb their nutritional benefits.

No Fat
A meal with no fat can make you hungry again within an hour. Let's look at the supposed healthy breakfast of non-fat Greek yogurt, high-fiber cereal and berries. Where's the fat? I tell my patients to either switch to 2 percent-fat yogurt or to add some nuts to prevent feeling hungry. However, whenever I mention adding fat, I want to drive home the point that more isn't better. A little fat goes a long way.

Not Enough Food
While a piece of fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, it's not enough for breakfast. Many of my patients have found that a grab-and-go breakfast -- like an apple on the drive to work -- simply doesn't cut it. However, if they sit down and mindfully consume about 300 to 400 calories, they feel way more satisfied. By the time lunch approaches, those extra calories are no longer relevant, and have likely kept them from a day of overeating.

Too Late In The Day
I usually recommend eating within an hour of waking, if possible. The longer a person waits to eat breakfast, the hungrier they usually become, making it harder to be satisfied once they eat. Remember: One of a breakfast's main purposes is to provide you with fuel after a long break from eating. Once your breakfast blurs with the lines of lunchtime, it no longer does its job efficiently.

Bottom line. If you want your breakfast to keep you satisfied, let's try and keep the mistakes to a minimum. But remember: Any breakfast is better than no breakfast.

Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God - William Carey

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