Saturday, May 18, 2013

Live like that

Our Daily Bread
I have written about the song "Live like that" by Sidewalk Prophets.  It is a great song about living the way we need to live to truly show Christ in our lives.  The devotional today takes this a step further:

Live so that when people get to know you, they will want to get to know Christ.

Wow!  I never thought of it that way before!  I have prayed over and over that folks would see Jesus in my life.  You know, be his representative in this world.  We must take it one step further to live so that others would want to get to know Christ too!  Let us start living that way today!

Lord, I know I am a little slow figuring out things sometimes.  OK, I can be VERY slow figuring things out sometimes.  Please help us live so that others will want to know Christ!

Simply Saturday
No big thoughts
Have you ever had times in your life when you don't feel capable of "big thoughts"?  I am in that place right now.  I am not sure why.  I don't have these times very often, but they are not easy for me when I do.  If you have read my blog or my Facebook posts, I am a "doer".  I do stuff and get stuff done. That is who I am.  So what am I learning so far?

God speaks to me a lot through songs.  I have three going through my mind most of the time during this no big thoughts period.  The first is "Every Good Thing" by The Afters.  I LOVE this song.  It gets me out of whining mode and helps me focus on God's goodness and the wonderful life I live in him.  Wow!

The other song is also by The Afters called "Broken Hallelujah".   I love these lyrics, especially since one of my close friends teases me about being a "freakin' phoenix" for the way I seem to crash and burn with health issues, then rise from the ashes each time stronger and stronger.  I give God all the glory for this.

The last song is Find your Way by the The Afters (can you tell I downloaded something new from iTunes?).  The song is sort of a prodigal son song, sort of a "God is waiting on us" song.  I am not sure what I am supposed to think about this.

So what am I learning from all of this?  Why am I writing about this?  Writing can be cathartic for me, even if no one reads it (I hope that doesn't too selfish).  I write about this stuff because it is normal life stuff.  We all go through it, but can't always put it into words or talk about it with someone.  It is hard to talk with someone about it when you can't put it into words!  It is times like these that we need to talk to God about it, giving him more of our hearts so he can help us express it without words.  God is so amazing that way!

I am also learning to keep "doing" during these periods.  Keep doing the little things that I know that God wants me to do even though I can't see the big picture or understand what I am supposed to do m ore than a  week or two from now.  I am also supposed to resist the negative thoughts that this perpetually positive person gets bombarded with daily.

My prayer is that we can all learn from this shared experience.  Transparency is scary.  It is also freeing especially when sharing helps strengthen the body of Christ.

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40

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