Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Oh boy...

Our Daily Bread
I wish I would have read the devotional earlier today.  Oh boy... I had a disagreement with my boss when I got to work. I should have just a walked away. I should have kept my mouth shut. Oh boy. When will I learn?

Being a passionate person can be a challenge.  Seeing things that others cannot see can be a challenge.  Put those two things together and you have my personality!  Talk about a challenge!  As I tease my friends: I yam what I yam!

The Holy Spirit will help us get better about conrolling our minds and tongues.  I will be the first to admit that I still have a LOT to learn in that area.  Lord have mercy on me!  How about you?

Lord, please help us to remember to consult you before we open our mouths!

Teaching Tuesday
1 and 2 Thessalonians
We studied 1 and 2 Thessalonians this week. Theologians are pretty sure that Paul wrote the first book.  They are not positive he wrote the second book even though the prologue is very similar.  These books are thought to be some of the earliest New Testament writings!

What I liked:

  • The encouragement of the folks in that chirch to encourage and support each other in faith. They were doing it.  They were encouraged to keep it up and grow in faith together.
  • The positive way Paul talked about living in faith and constant prayer.
  • The firm language to folks that were able who weren't working to move the community forward.
  • The clarification about the coming of Christ.  
  • Warnings again to beware of folks spreading false information about the faith
  • the explanation of how Paul ministered and preached out of his shop where he earned a living.  The first bi-vocational preacher!

What I was challenged by:

  • There has been so many misunderstandings about the "rapture" or what is going to happen when Jesus returns based on the limited writings here (and in Revelation).  It is my understanding that the Bible shouldn't be read as an eschatological guide book.  We just don't know what is going to happen. That is also part of our faith journey!
  • The harsher language in the second book indicates that Paul may not have been the author, but rather someone who followed him.

Short books.  Interesting read.  I recommend focusing on the positive things we can adapt to our lives!

Living out of love for God and pleasing Him should be our heart’s desire. - Our Daily Bread

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