Thursday, March 6, 2014

What an example

Our Daily Bread
One of my favorite stories to tell my family is about one of our family trips in the large station wagon we used to own (before the days of minivans!).  We stopped to get gas and use the rest room, then headed down the road.  After a few miles I looked around and asked "Where's Karen?"  We inadvertently left one of my sisters behind at the gas station!  We turned around and went back for her.  We found a calm little girl with long red hair waiting patiently for us to return.  No crying.  No fear.  She seemed confident we would be back for her!

I like the images here.  Patience.  No fear.  Confidence in her father's return.  Doesn't that sound like the way a Christian should be?  Shouldn't we have patience for the good things God has for us?  No fear in what life throws at us because we have the Holy Spirit leading out way.  Confidence in our Savior's return.  Wow!  Let us think on these things during the Lenten season and all through the year!

Lord, we thank your for being with us and leading us!  

Technology Thursday
iPhone headphone tricks
The earbuds that came with your iPhone (and many third-party earphones) have a Volume Up button, a Volume Down button and an extra button in between. Of course you can use these to control the volume, but, oh, they can do so much more:

In iTunes:
• To play a song, press the center button.
• To pause a song, press the center button.
• To skip to the next song, double-click the center button.
• To go back to the start of a song, triple-click the center button.
• To go back to the previous song, triple-click the center button again.
• To fast-forward within a song, double-click the center button, holding down that second click. Release it when you’ve fast-forwarded enough.

When a phone call comes in:
• To answer, press the center button.
• To hang up, press the center button.
• To send the call straight to voicemail without answering, press and hold the center button for two full seconds.

To start Siri:
• Press the center button for two seconds.

To take a selfie:

• First, fire up the camera, and then tap the Volume Up button. And don’t forget to smile.

Trusting God’s faithfulness helps dispel our fearfulness.

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