Saturday, May 23, 2015

Not a care in the world

Our Utmost for His Highest [link]
Besides the two great commandments in the New Testament, I believe the passage in Matthew 6:25 is the least adopted by the followers of Christ:
…do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. —Matthew 6:25

Why is that? I think it is partly because of the world around us and partly because of human nature. We get a lot of pressure to buy stuff and to "succeed" in the world's eyes. While those things are not bad in themselves, they can be when we put those things ahead of our relationship with God. 

Just exactly how do we rely on God for what will drink, eat or wear? All I can say is "faith". That is a scary proposition as we usually look at these kinds of things according to the old adage "one in the hand is worth two in the bush". We sometimes settle for the things in hand instead of trusting God for the better things we can't see when we want to see them.  Let us pray for each other to trust God!

Quote to think about:
There is nothing, naturally speaking, that makes us lose heart quicker than decay—the decay of bodily beauty, of natural life, of friendship, of associations, all these things make a man lose heart; but Paul says when we are trusting in Jesus Christ these things do not find us discouraged, light comes through them.
The Place of Help by Oswald Chambers

We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
Its time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
- Thrive by Casting Crowns 

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