Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Comfort ye, my people

Our Daily Bread
The greatest comfort is to know that God is in control - ODB.org, Jan 11, 2011. There seems to be a theme this week! The main thought from yesterday focused on taking comfort in the road ahead since God is leading. Very cool.

I know how things work in my life. I don't know exactly how they work in yours. I have things that I want to happen. I have health issues that I want resolved. I have dreams of the last romantic relationship of my life. I have desires. In times of uncertainty, it is easy to forget that God is in control. He leads us where he wants us to go -- to the best place for us to be! I keep forgetting that (sort of like Israel in the Old Testament).

Lord, I want to follow the road you have in front of me. Thank you for your comfort that you know what is best for me and you are in control.

Disciple Two-sday
We studied Prayer and Rejection this week. Both chapters were very good (again).

We focused on the prayer life of Jesus and the model prayer he gave us. My favorite part was the use of the word "Abba" in the prayer. The book explained that Abba is a very affectionate term for father, like a father that you are very, very close to. I never had that kind of relationship with my father, so I don't really understand that concept very well. That is why I use the word "Father" when we say the Lord's Prayer at church. I want to think of God as my Abba Father, a unique relationship in my life.

We all face rejection in our lives. This chapter focuses on the rejection that Jesus and his disciples faced in their ministries. I was motivated to handle rejection in my own life, whether it was personal or religious, much better than in the past.

Other Stuff
I visited my buddy in the hospital last night. We had a great talk about stuff. I hope he will be OK.

My left eye is still mixing it up. hehehe Cloudy or chocolate swirls or both. I can sort of see out of it, but not very well. I am nervous about the doctor appointment tomorrow. I will be upbeat and steady... God is in control.

Hang in there, my friends! I will be upbeat and steady... That is what I do...

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