Sunday, January 9, 2011

Never slumber, nor sleeps

Our Daily Bread
I am the type of person that goes until he drops. I go hard. I then stop to sleep for a little while, then start back at it again! Insomnia runs in my family, so I enjoy sleeping while I can!

It is comforting to know that we have a God that neither slumbers, nor sleeps. He is always watching over us. Always has our back. Even we don't really think he cares or notices what is going on with us, he is always there. We can rest in that!

Lord, thank you for watching my back! Help me to rest in you.

Sunday Friend
My friend this week is "The Pianist". This friend is so much more than just an amazing musician. She is a true friend as well. I don't know how many hours we spent doing music together when I was younger. We sang in a group together. She played for me when I sang solos.

I think there are two ways to get very close to a person: share a meal and share music. ;-) I miss seeing the pianist on a regular basis. We still keep in touch during the holidays. I need to make a better effort to stay in touch all year long.

Other Stuff
I had a nice day with friends yesterday. I am spending today at home catching up on reading and stuff around the house.

Please say a little prayer for me. The new year has been a little tough for me so far. I am usually upbeat and steady. I am not feeing much of either today. I am sure my D2 readings will brighten my day. ;-)

Hang in there, my friends! I WILL be upbeat and steady. That is what I do...

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