Our Daily Bread
Ever met someone that seems to "know it all"? They usually don't let you forget it! Wait? You talkin' bout me? ha! Yeah, some folks think I am that way. Heavy sigh.
I am a person that has the "gift of gab". I can talk to anyone, individuals or groups or even large groups. This is not a common ability, so I get a big head or "know it all" attitude sometimes. Psalm 25:9 gently reminded me that someone who truly seeks God's direction is a humble person, regardless of his or her gifts or abilities. I don't think I have been called humble. I have a tendency to sing the silly old country song "Lord, its hard to be humble"! ha! I am being a silly old bear again. The point is that regardless of who you are and what you can do, God "guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way." How about me? How about you?
Lord, thank you for your patience with us. Please help us seek you with a humble heart.
Wellness Wednesday
"Oh, this leg? Just an old football injury!" "The shoulder ain't never been right since the accident." These are some things that a person my age might say! They all refer to the physical body, which we learn to live with as we age. How about our psyche? Don't we also hear things like "I don't think I can love again after the divorce" or "After the death of so and so, she hasn't been the same". I hear these things as well. We all do what we have to do to survive and cope. Should we do something different?
I heard an analogy on the radio a few months back. There are two ways to treat a wounded soldier: give him morphine to dull the pain or perform surgery to enable him to heal. I have seen several examples of doctors giving morphine because surgery was too risky or the patient was too weak. Surgery is not always the right option.
As Christians, we should pray for discernment and for wholeness. There are times in our lives that we just can't handle surgery to our psyche or personality or anything else. From my experience, praying for wholeness eventually requires surgery. Reach out your hand. Touch the hem of his garment. Have faith. These are the types of things that Jesus required for folks to be made whole.
Lastly, I learned from my experiences so far to not constantly push yourself. There are times that we need the ebb and flow of our spiritual life for new habits or beliefs to sink in and "take". We need that time of healing after spiritual surgery to get our minds around what it is like to be healthy and whole. Use that time for more prayer and discernment!
100 Simple Secrets of Happy People
Secret number 20: Develop a household routine.
Whether you live alone or have a family or are empty nesters, it is easy to be overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done around your dwelling (house, apartment, trailer,etc). Studies show that happy people are more like to have a daily chore list that helps them organize all the things they need to do so they don't get overwhelmed. Overwhelmed = unhappy!
u r a bcog U r fawm Now believe it!
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