Our Daily Bread
I remember singing an old choral piece called "Reach out and touch" The song eventually became a hymn in the Baptist Hymnal. The lyrics go perfectly with the devotional today.
The devotional tells of the gift of a Bible given by a stranger to a crying young lady on a bus. Through that simple gift, the girl read the Bible and found Christ. Amazing? Yes! That is the way our God works when we listen to his leading. It is not always easy. It is not always comfortable. If we do not have the gift of doing such things, then Christ commands us to pray for the weak and those in despair that God will send help. We should all do whatever we can to help whether it is prayers, money, our time, or just giving a Bible to a stranger.
Lord, please help us be sensitive to your leading when ministering to others!
Movie Monday
I had a little extra time last week, so I made the most of it at the movies! I saw three this week since I am catching up on some ones that have been out for a few weeks.
Here comes the Boom
I am embarrassed to say I liked this movie more than I thought I would. I am not a UFC fan at all. I was partnered to a teacher that was very passionate about the kids so I understood where the teaching thing was coming from. In short, a teacher decided to take on the UFC to earn money to save the music program at his school. It was mostly comical, but there were some moving sections that took me by surprise. I am not sure I like Kevin James or not. All his parts seem like they are the same character.
I give this movie two bear paws (for the cool teacher moments). You can rent this one.
Alex Cross
Odd and somewhat disappointing is what I tell people about this movie. I didn't realize until afterwards that this was a continuation of the some other movies like "Kiss the Girl". The Alex Cross character was played by Morgan Freeman in those movies. I thought Tyler Perry did OK in this role though not great AND I thought he looked better with his shirt off than Morgan Freeman! I am just sayin... Oh, and the Matthew Fox character was bizarre. Very bizarre.
I give this one bear paw. Rent it only if you are very bored or just want to see the next movie in the series.
Cloud Atlas
This movie was a big surprise. I wasn't sure I wanted to sit through a 2:40 hour movie that I didn't know that much about. If you have trouble following stories that aren't linear, then don't see this movie. It jumps around A LOT. It is very cool how it all fits together though. Very cool. There are several amazing actors though no amazing performances. Settle in your theater seat with a large drink and lots of snacks.
I give this movie three bear paws. See it at the theater, preferably on Imax. It is amazing.
u r a bcog u r fawm Now believe it!
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